Dageraad Entropy Series No. 22: The Vast Indifference of Cocoa Nibs


Dageraad Entropy Series No. 22: The Vast Indifference of Cocoa Nibs Review

When you think of an Imperial Stout, it’s not usually about the subtleties. It’s not about nuanced esters or faintly wafting aromas. It’s about turning the dial up to 11…or in this case, 11.7 %.

At least, that’s the expectation when you check the label and note the limit-pushing ABV of Entropy Series No. 22: The Vast Indifference of Cocoa Nibs—one of a pair of super-potent cold weather beers Dageraad releases to market today.

No. 22 is the older, heavier brother of the ‘regular’ Alone Under the Vast Indifference of the Skya Belgian-style Imperial Stout with sour cherries and Brettanomyces. The 2021 version of Alone was brewed this past June and bottle-aged since last month. By contrast, No. 22 is actually the 2020 version of Alone, aged for a year in bourbon barrels with Tanzanian cocoa nibs. It was thought this would go nicely with the vanilla notes the brew would typically pick up from the oak.

Next week, we’ll taste test the 2021 version of Alone. But first let’s see what last year’s batch got up to with all that extra time on its hands.

No. 22 poured a very dark brown, almost to the point of being opaque. There was a modest head. Our bottle of this unfiltered beer displayed only a slight haze upon inspection with a bright light.

The aroma was alcoholic, featuring dark fruit and cocao. As a drink, it was rich with dark fruit (like black currants, raisins, prunes or figs). The brew also seemed to have a lactic quality.

On the palate, there was some peppery spiciness from the high ABV. However, No. 22 is not overwhelmingly alcoholic to drink. Its strength enhances rather than detracts from the perceived flavour.

Given Dageraad’s Belgian-esque interpretation of the style, this beer’s density of mouthfeel isn’t what you’d normally associate with an Imperial Stout. (When we review its sibling, the 2021 version of Alone, we expect a similar impression.) However, despite not being full-bodied, the beer was still well-rounded and smooth.

Purchase Entropy Series No. 22 – The Vast Indifference of Cocoa Nibs here.

Find out more about three of Dageraad’s darker winter offerings via their latest newsletter dispatch, shared on What’s Brewing:

Dageraad Brewing’s Embrace the Dark… Beer Season

Alone Under the Vast Indifference of the Sky 2021

  • (4)
  • (4.2)
  • (4)
  • (4.2)
  • (4.4)
    Overall Enjoyment

About This Beverage

  • Colour: Extra Dark Brown
  • Head Size & Retention: Modest head
  • Carbonation: Well Carbonated
  • Clarity: Slight Haze
  • Balance: More Malty
  • Drinkability: Goes Down Slower
  • Enjoyment: I would definitely seek this beer out again
  • Malt Characteristics: Rich, Dark Fruit, black currants
  • Other Flavours/Aroma: Cocao/Chocolate, Mildly lactic
  • Palate: Peppery/Highly Alcoholic, Smooth, Less full-bodied than other Imperial Stouts


Despite its high ABV, No. 22 is not overwhelmingly alcoholic. Its strength enhances rather than detracts from the perceived flavour.

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