Persephone Brewing Co. – 2015 Barley Wine

Persephone Brewing 2015 Barley Wine Review


3.9 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.1 out of 5
4.4 out of 5


4.1 out of 5


  • Brewery: Persephone Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Barley Wine
  • Pros:

    Big and strong with a nice Plumb and Cherry like tone to it

  • Cons:

    A touch boozy and extremely strong

  • Conclusion:

    A very strong Barley Wine with nice cherry, plumb and mollassis tones.

Persephone Brewing 2015 Barley Wine Review Persephone Brewing Co. – 2015 Barley Wine Review

The Persephone Brewing Company has released their second annual Barley Wine in the final month of 2015. This beer comes in at 11.9% alcohol, also known as the BC legal maximum for beer. From the bottle this beer pours as a dark and opaque brown colour with two fingers of head which slowly erupts from the base of the beer. The dense and lacing head gives way to a rich and boozy aroma of dark fruit, molasses and a cherry or currant like sharpness. The body is thick and very creamy while the first flavour that briefly hits the palate is a sour-cherry tone. This is quickly masked by the plum and molasses richness that engulfs the palate. On the finish a warming liquor tone comes in with a lingering hop bitterness that grows towards the finish

Alcohol – 11.9%
Size – 650ml Bottles


Persephone Brewing 2015 Barley Wine Review Persephone Brewing 2015 Barley Wine Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit


  1. Mikescraftbeer
    Mikescraftbeer 9 January, 2016, 21:08

    This was really good last year so I would assume it would be no different this time. Haven’t picked up a bottle as of yet though.

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