Red Truck Beer Co. – Red Truck Ale

Red Truck Ale Review


4.1 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.1 out of 5
3.8 out of 5


4 out of 5


  • Brewery: Red Truck Beer Co.
  • Beer Style: Amber Ale
  • Pros:

    Great balance and unique flavour

  • Cons:

    A touch sweet for the style

  • Conclusion:

    Nice, well balance Amber Ale

Red Truck Ale Review Red Truck Brewing Company – Red Truck Ale Review

The staple for years coming from the Red Truck Brewery has been the Red Truck Ale. Well, now you can get it in bottles rather than just on tap so enjoying this tasty brew has never been easier. This now East-Vancouver based brewery has been releasing their first brews to market late in the summer of 2014. The Red Truck Ale pours a clear, copper colour topped with two fingers of lacing head. From this beer comes an aroma of light toffee, caramel and a piney hop along side a smooth maltyness. For the flavour side the beer starts off with a darkness of caramel and toffee but actually lightens shortly thereafter into a malty and light body. The hops kick in at the end in a smooth but lightly piney flavour. The caramel tones move through to the finish to give a lightly creamy finish and a bitter-sweetness to tantalize your senses. This beer is tryly different than most beers of a similar style. It is also worth noting that this beer seems to have been improved dramatically since moving to the new brewery and being offered as a bottled product. Whether you liked the past Red Truck ale or not you should plan to give this a try!

Alcohol – 5.2%
Size – 355ml
Price – $13.50 6 Pack (Cold Beer and Wine)

Red Truck Ale Review Red Truck Ale Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit

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