Tag "canadian brewing awards"

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BC Craft Breweries Clean Up at 2016 Canadian Brewing Awards

The Winning BC Craft Beers from the 2016 Canadian Craft Brewing Awards The 2016 Canadian Craft Brewing Awards took place in Vancouver BC. Well actually Richmond to be specific. By  Continue Reading…

BC Craft Beer News

BC Breweries Clean Up as Winners at 2015 Canadian Brewing Awards

British Columbia Breweries Win Big at the 2015 Canadian Brewing Awards When it comes to prestige around the craft beer industry within Canada there is no greater honour than the  Continue Reading…

Events & Festivals

Old Yale Brewing Sasquatch Stout wins Canadian Brewing Awards Beer Of the Year!

Old Yale Brewing Wins Beer of the Year in 2014 Canadian Brewing Awards The 12th annual Canadian Brewing Awards were awarded on Saturday May 31, 2014. In Fredericton New Brunswick  Continue Reading…