Russell Brewing Co. – Peaks and Valleys Locally Hopped Extra Pale Ale


3.9 out of 5
3.7 out of 5
4.1 out of 5
3.9 out of 5


3.9 out of 5


  • Brewery: Russell Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Pale Ale
  • Pros:

    Nice hop flavour without being overly bitter

  • Cons:

    Verging on being an IPA, not an Extra Pale Ale

  • Conclusion:

    A well hopped and BC inspired Extra Pale Ale.

Russell Brewing Co. - Peaks And Valleys IPA Review Russell Brewing Co. – Peaks and Valleys Locally Hopped Extra Pale Ale Review

Moving towards the local mentality of things the Russell Brewing Company has used locally sourced hops in their latest brew, the Peaks and Valleys Extra Pale Ale This beer was brewed with Centennial hops grown in Chilliwack BC by Chilliwack Hop Farms. Also using BC malts produced by Gambrinus Malting in Armstrong BC this is truly a BC craft beer. From the bottle this beer pours as a golden-amber coloured ale topped with a finger and a half of lightly lacing head. An aroma of piney hops and a secondary malted aroma comes through on the nose. Main stage in this beer’s smell is the truly BC, local centennial hop nose. The beer has a nice, mid-bodied texture with a fairly strong hop to it. As an Extra Pale Ale we expect big, but not quite the hop of and IPA and that is just what this is. At 40 IBUs the Peaks and Valleys has a nice hop punch but leaves room for the malt and citrus characteristics to shine without being overly bitter. Verging on a light IPA this is a truly BC inspired flaovur and a great tasting beer/

Alcohol – 5.7%
IBU – 40
Hops – Centennial
Size – 650ml
Price – $7.00 (Craft Retailer)


Russell Brewing Co. - Peaks And Valleys IPA Review Russell Brewing Co. - Peaks And Valleys IPA Review


Tags: pale ale, russell

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit

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