Main Street Brewing Co. – Session IPA

Main Street Brewing Co. - Session IPA Review


3.9 out of 5
3.6 out of 5
4 out of 5
3.7 out of 5


3.8 out of 5


Main Street Brewing Co. - Session IPA Review Main Street Brewing Co. – Session IPA Review

It did not take the brewing team at Main Street Brewing Company long to get into the swing of things and start bottling their beer. One of the early releases in bomber bottles is the Session IPA. This light, 4.8% Alcohol India Pale Ale appears from the bottle as a light amber colour topped with a thick finger of lightly lacing head. From this beer comes a citrus and floral hop tone with a bit of a bitter bite to it. The body is bigger than your typical session-style ale but so is the alcohol content. The flavour is rather bitter with a big hop profile and a citrus bite to it. The finish is dry and quite bitter with a true ipa-ness to it while staying south of 5% in the alcohol department. For a relatively bitter IPA that remains light and sessionable this is a great example of what is possible.

Alcohol – 4.8%
Size – 650ml Bottles
Price – $6.70 (Craft Retailer)



Main Street Brewing Co. - Session IPA Review Main Street Brewing Co. - Session IPA Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit

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