Powell St. & Four Winds Brewing – Collaboration Dunkelweizen


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4 out of 5



Powell St. & Four Winds Brewing – Collaboration Dunkelweizen Review

In celebration of BC Craft Beer Month Powell Street and Four Winds brewing companies got together and brewed up a bottle conditioned Dunkelweizen. This limited edition brew will not be around for long so pick up a bottle while you can! This Dunkel is a deep, opaque brown colour that verges on black. It pours with a finger and a half of off-white head which settles slowly. The smell is nutty with chocolate tones and toasted malts. The aroma is rich but does not come off as too heavy. Tasting this beer it is quite light. The texture is smooth and slightly creamy. As the flavour builds chocolate tones come into play along side a smoky, lightly burnt flavour. Caramel tones work with the coffee notes to make a light yet flavourful brew that is not your typical Dunkel. This beer really is the best of these two top breweries as this beer is quite delicious!

Alcohol – 5.5%
IBU – 17
Size – 650ml bottles
Price – $7.75


About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.

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