Whistler Brewing Co. – Winter Dunkel


3.8 out of 5
3.6 out of 5
3.3 out of 5
3.8 out of 5


3.6 out of 5


  • Brewery: Whistler Brewing Co
  • Beer Style: Dunkel, Winter Ale
  • Pros:

    Big Orange and Chocolate flavours

  • Cons:

    Totally different and a little weird

  • Conclusion:

    A unique beer reminiscent of a Chocolate Orange


Whistler Brewing Co. – Winter Dunkel Review

The Whistler Brewing Company’s Winter Dunkel is a limited edition beer that pours a chestnut-brown colour with a single finger of thick and frothy head. The aroma is more spiced than that of Jamaica Jerk Chicken. The smell is strong of Vanilla, chocolate and orange peel. In a blind smell test you may just think that this is a Terry’s Chocolate Orange. The flavour is lighter than you would expect and has a vanilla smoothness to it. The orange and chocolate notes are in full force here giving a very unique flavour profile. The chocolate in this Dunkel is 100% organic and is sourced locally at the Whistler Chocolate Company and the orange has a peel bitterness attached that contrasts the chocolate sweetness quite well. This is not a typical beer or even Dunkel but it is something that is new, unique and a change from the ordinary. Give it a try if you are ready to try something like no beer you have had before.

Alcohol – 5%
Size – 650ml
Price – $5.75 (BCL)
This is a Winter Seasonal Beer


About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.


  1. liz
    liz 10 January, 2014, 23:35

    this beer tasted like crap. I couldn’t even drink half of it, it was so bad- and I’m not even picky! An artificial mess.

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    • joice
      joice 2 January, 2017, 17:31

      actually it’s completely naturally flavored. before you go making assumptions that make you sound like an idiot you should do some research. it’s ok to dislike a flavored beer but it’s not ok to do it under false pretentious pretenses.

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  2. 10 BC Winter Ales to Warm You and Your Thirsty Stomach | Beer Me British Columbia 7 November, 2014, 14:17

    […] Winter Dunkel – Whistler Brewing Co. […]

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  3. Roxy
    Roxy 16 December, 2014, 15:40

    I don’t usually like chocolate beer but this one is wonderful!

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  4. Jill
    Jill 5 December, 2017, 19:06

    We absolutely love this beer. The smell is so inviting, and the taste is rich and not overpowering with the chocolate/orange mix. I hope it is a yearly offering, as I have only just discovered it.

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  5. Jason van der Valk
    Jason van der Valk 12 December, 2017, 21:44

    I just tried this beer for the first time. It’s stunningly amazing. I don’t tend to enjoy “flavoured” beer as I’m almost always let down in disappointment. Orange Chocolate? Sure. I’m prepared for disappointment.

    Not sure. Wonderful. If you love the smell and taste of Terry’s Orange Chocolate? You will enjoy this.

    This is not a pounding beer and drink a 12 pack. This is a great social beer and would pair well with dessert.

    I will buy again.

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  6. Anonymous
    Anonymous 27 December, 2020, 17:37

    This is one of my fav beers of all time!! Wish I could get again! Tastes exactly like the traditional terry’s chocolate orange we get at Christmas! If you don’t like that, then you won’t like this ! And opposite is likely true!!

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