Tin Whistle Brewing Company – Black Widow Mild Ale


3.7 out of 5
3.4 out of 5
3.8 out of 5
3.6 out of 5


3.6 out of 5


  • Brewery: Tin Whistle Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Dark Ale
  • Pros:

    Nice, light body

  • Cons:

    Deceptive flavour given colour of beer

  • Conclusion:

    A light and very drinkable beer with dark flavour

Tin Whistle Brewing Company – Black Widow Mild Ale Review

What used to be called the Black Widow Mild Ale is now renamed as the Black Widow English Dark Ale. There is no reference that the recipe has changed but the new label and classification is suiting for  more pleasing look and expected flavour. This beer pours from the bottle as a dark chestnut colour with a thin finger of head. The Black Widow smells of dried fruit, toasted malt and chocolate. This mid-bodied beer is light with carbonation and has a distinct dried fruit flavour. Raisin and prune notes come along side a deeply toasted malt flavour and a touch of chocolate hiding in the back. This is a relatively sweet and complex flavoured English Dark Ale the is quite enjoyable

Alcohol – 5.0%
Size –650ml bottle
Price – $4.60 (BCL)


About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.


  1. Beer Me BC | The Tin Whistle Brewing Company – Okanagan Inspired Beer! 6 July, 2013, 12:15

    […] liquor stores. Better known beers such as the Killer Bee Dark Honey Ale, Centennial Blonde and Black Widow Dark Ale are surprisingly easy to find on liquor store shelves in BC. If you have not noticed these BC beer […]

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